• My Sourdough Journey

    My Sourdough Journey

    Our family dove into the world of sourdough in May 2023 and it has brought so much joy and delicious food into our lives! My circle of friends couldn’t stop talking about their starter and beautiful loaves of bread. I was intrigued! I checked out a bunch of books from my library and began my…

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This is how it all started…

We’re a homeschooling, outdoor-loving family of 4, always looking for the next fun experience in life. As a mom, I believe in cooking from scratch, lessening our environmental impact, and living life simply.

We make sourdough, unschool, and have a deep desire to lean into old fashioned ways of living. Join us as we try new things, explore our cities, and make some mistakes along the way.


Hi! Join me and my family as we spend our days together learning, creating, and chasing the fun around us.